Wonko's collection of notes

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A Short Code for Factorio Rich Text in Zola

Yesterday I wanted to write a quick post about a neat little blueprint I made in factorio.

I typed it out, took some screenshots, and decided that I should just polish it a little and put it online. Factorio has Rich Text which turns [item=iron-plate] into [item=iron-plate] . I thought I'd add a little short code and continue playing.

At the start of every little project is a thought like

That shouldn't take any time at all.
It's just a little Regex to replace [X=Y] with <img src="factorio.com/images/X/Y.png">

And I wasn't entirely wrong.

Adding Regex to Zola

Zola uses Tera as template engine, and Tera does not have a regex-replace. Zola didn't add one either. But it's open source and I know a little rust so this should be easy right?

I modified Zola a little to have a regex_replace filter. This is registered with tera.register_filter in tpls.rs (that name tho).

After maybe an hour, I could use regex_replace in Zola templates (and thereby shortcodes). (Could have been closer to 2 hours?). It's useful enough that I thought it might even be added to Zola.

Writing the Short Code

10 minutes later I had the short code working using a regex that replaced the rich text elements with <img> tags that did not resolve yet, everything else was good.

<span style="background-color: #444344; color: #f1f1f1;" title="{{ body }}">
    {{- body | escape | regex_replace(
        replace="<img src='example.com/factorio/$1/$2.png' alt='$0'>"
    ) | safe -}}

The entire text is put into a span with dark background and the unmodified text as title.

The Regex does:

Finding the Icons

Ok. Hard part done, now to the easy part. Finding a URL that hosts /item/iron-ore.png should be easy cause there is this great wiki and 100 fan sites, blueprint editors, ...

Spoiler: finding icons is hard, you can skip this section.

No, nothing is ever easy. I Closed the game and browsed through all the factorio links I keep around.

The wiki does this media wiki thing of using capitalized names and have a wiki-syntax template to deal with it. (It has 467 characters, 186 of which are ! " # . / : ; < = > [ ] { | })

The blueprint editor I looked at does some canvas magic and the resources are hidden in some javascript thing.

2 fan sites have the image base64 encoded in a css style sheet.

There is factorioiconselect.com that has sane URLs but they made up there own schema (steam is in fluid/misc/steam.png) and don't have the character icon.

Factorio Lab has all the icons in one png:

all icons in one file

It is worth mentioning at this point, that templates in Zola/Tera have some scripting support but not a full programming languages like python or lua with a huge string manipulation library (because those projects do NOT WANT one). Templates are supposed to be templates not programs.

I realized I probably have all the files on my local machine anyway, most likely even with good file names because why would the devs make their own life harder?

I did the easy thing and put a symlink to the graphics directory of my factorio install (/base/graphics/icons/) into the blog's static directory. There is an icons/ directory with all the items and fluids.

Feeling good, I spent an hour writing a first draft of this post.

Going back to the rich text short code I realized character.png was missing (for when you have [entity=character]). That is the only one which I wanted to use in the post I was actually trying to write. I did find entity/bigass-explosion/ which made me smile but did not help.

I later found the character icon in /core/graphics/icons/entity/ (core not base).

Placing the symlink to graphics in static ensures that all graphics end up in my public directory, so I removed the symlink and only copied the images I need.

I then noticed, that those "icons" are not icons as I understand them, but icons as a game engine understands them. 4 images of different resolution inside the same png. But, I can use the trick with css background-position I picked up on the way and make an <img> with a transparent pixel as src and the "icon" as background, using a constant offset. It somehow worked out that the second resolution fits nicely in my line. As soon as I change anything about the line size this will probably break and future me will have to write a script that crops the image instead and places normal icons in my static folder.

The Final Short Code

templates/shortcodes/factorio_string.html now looks like this:

<span style="background-color: #444344; color: #f1f1f1; padding-x:0 2px;" title="{{ body }}">
    {{- body | escape | regex_replace(
                background-position: -95px 2px;
                margin:-4px 0;'
    ) | safe -}}