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Extract a Submodule from a Git Repository

Using several git commands, you can extract a directory and all of its commit history into a new git repository and include that as a submodule.

git subtree split filters the entire commit history, collecting those that touched a directory, and produces a new commit chain from it.

Prepare the server

A repository with submodules specifies the URL where to clone the sub repositories from. You must create a new repository on that server and fix access rights and stuff. It should be the same where everyone gets your project from.

Extract the history

Extract the history of component and label it as the branch split. Prefix every commit message with S! to indicate that this commit happend before the split.

Go to your repository and execute the following command. Then grab a coffee because git now checks every commit in your projects history and this can takes 0.1 to 1 second per commit.

project$ git subtree split --prefix=component --branch split --annotate "S! " master

Once this is done, you can inspect the new history with git log --stat split.

Create the sub repository

Delete the component from the project repository

project$ git rm -rf component

Create a dedicated repository

project$ mkdir component
project$ cd component
component$ git init
component$ cd ..

Copy (push) the created history into the dedicated repo

project$ git push ./component split

There are no files in component yet, because master is the initial empty state and the branchsplit you just pushed is not checked out.

Got to the component repository and switch to master and, also do some cleanup:

project$ cd component
component$ git -C master
component$ git branch -d split
component$ echo "stuff to ignore" >> .gitignore
component$ git add .gitignore
component$ git commit -m "extract component from project"
component$ git remote add server https://server/component
component$ git push server -u master master
component$ cd ..

You now have a git repository for the component inside the project repository, but it is not a submodule yet. If you accidentally git add the component, there is a special warning message for you.

Add the sub repository as submodule

project$ git submodule add https://server/component component

Note that git submodule add will not inspect or test the url when adding existing subrepositories. It will only write it into the .gitmodules file. Users who try to pull/clone your repository will notice any errors you make here before you do.

In the project repository, add the .gitmodules file and the submodule

project$ git add .gitmodules
project$ git add component
project$ git commit -m 'component: extract into submodule'

The last thing to do is to delete the split branch used to hold the artificial history in the project repository.

project$ git branch -D split

Test the entire project. If the component was successfully pushed to the server, you can now push the project.

project$ git push

Done. 5 Minutes + 1 coffee break.